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Welcome to the Midlands State University (MSU) Library. Our Library is an integral part of the University, providing resources and services to support the teaching and learning, research, innovation, and industrialisation needs of the University community. The MSU Library through its network of libraries and electronic resource centers aims to develop and deliver high-quality innovative and user-focused services and collections in an inviting and welcoming study space. The Library is constituted of nine branch libraries spread across the University’s three campuses. Our Library is committed to facilitating increased access, use, and management of all its information resources through efficient and effective utilisation of information communication technologies. The Library’s digital collection can be accessed 24/7. Our qualified staff is always available to assist with your information needs. Their expertise fully supports the academic activities of the University. Use our services and tools to enrich your research and study experiences. We strive to offer you excellent customer service as stipulated in our Service Charter.
The most read electronic reserve books for the month of Mar 2025