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All e-Reserves for the Faculty of Business Sciences

Sustainability is being linked with human resource management to develop awareness about short term and long-term effects of HRM activities not only on employees and organizational viability but also on sustained competitive advantage.

This CHOICE award winning author has teamed up with a national school human resource expert to write a comprehensive book on managing human resources and collective bargaining. Everything you need to know is covered: human resources, recruiting, strategic planning, mentoring, benefits and compensation, terminating employees, unions and more.

This practical book sets out how HR can become a true business partner. It will require a rethinking of HR's contribution to the organization in the future. All the key topics are covered in this work from a specific HR strategic model, reshaping of HR to align itself better with...

Your expert guide to information security As businesses and consumers become more dependent on complexmultinational information systems, the need to understand anddevise sound information security systems has never been greater.This title takes a practical approach to information security byfocusing on real-world examples. While not sidestepping the theory,the emphasis is on...

Information Security and Optimization maintains a practical perspective while offering theoretical explanations. The book explores concepts that are essential for academics as well as organizations. It discusses aspects of techniques and tools—definitions, usage, and analysis—that are invaluable for scholars ranging from those just beginning in the field to established experts....