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All e-Reserves for the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences

I received my first introduction to the brain sciences in 1936 and 1937, for me the second and third years of the 7-year medical school curriculum at the University of Leiden. During those years my interest in the subject was aroused in particular by the brilliant lectures of the physiologist...

The following notes, originally known as Neuroanatomical Notations, were prepared for the purpose of providing a quick review of some of the pertinent points that should be considered in refreshing your memory of Neuroanatomy. Obviously the booklet is not encyclopedic, and is cer tainly not intended as a text on...

Neuroanatomy for Medical Students, Second Edition provides a fundamental knowledge base that is essential to a proper understanding of the clinical neurosciences. This edition includes additional topics on neurophysiology, neuropharmacology, and applied anatomy. The areas on cell membrane structure and function, motor control, muscle spindles, spinocerebellar tracts, reticular formation, striatal...

Since 1975, the Oklahoma Notes have been among the most widely used reviews for medical students preparing for Step 1 of the United States Medical Licensing Examination. Completely revised and updated, these new editions of the Notes feature: More self- assessment questions, geared to the current USMLE format; more tables...

More than ten years ago, the faculty members of the Department of Pharmacology at the University of Oklahoma College of Medicine developed a review book of medical pharmacology in response to requests from our second year medical students who were preparing to sit for the Part I examination of the...