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The following notes, originally known as Neuroanatomical Notations, were prepared for the purpose of providing a quick review of some of the pertinent points that should be considered in refreshing your memory of Neuroanatomy. Obviously the booklet is not encyclopedic, and is cer tainly not intended as a text on...

Neuroanatomy for Medical Students, Second Edition provides a fundamental knowledge base that is essential to a proper understanding of the clinical neurosciences. This edition includes additional topics on neurophysiology, neuropharmacology, and applied anatomy. The areas on cell membrane structure and function, motor control, muscle spindles, spinocerebellar tracts, reticular formation, striatal...

Regardless of company size or industry, leaders are always on the lookout for innovative ways to get work done quickly and efficiently. They need employees they trust and on whom they can rely to protect the interests of the company—employees, like you, who will become tomorrows leaders.

This textbook presents marketing concepts which are then supported with real-world examples. Key features include: treatment of the most important marketing activities, marketing fundamentals, separate chapters on 'social marketing' and cause marketing, and numerous international examples.
