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Increasingly our critical infrastructures are reliant on computers. We see examples of such infrastructures in several domains, including medical, power, telecommunications, and finance. Although automation has advantages, increased reliance on computers exposes our critical infrastructures to a wider variety and higher likelihood of accidental failures and malicious attacks. Disruption of...

The gold-standard reference on the design and application of classic and modern antennas—fully updated to reflect the latest advances and technologies. This new edition of the "bible of antenna engineering" has been updated to provide start-to-finish coverage of the latest innovations in antenna design and application.

Up-to-date coverage of biofluid mechanics and applications in medical devices. This thoroughly revised textbook shows how fluid mechanics works in the human circulatory system and offers cutting-edge applications in the development and design of medical instruments, equipment, and procedures.

New engineering concepts that foster better machines and procedures in the health field. Bridging the gap between two rapidly merging fields, this resource provides you with a solid foundation in the biological sciences and the quantitative analysis and technical skills necessary for engineering.