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With most services and products now being offered through digital communications, new challenges have emerged for information security specialists. A Multidisciplinary Introduction to Information Security presents a range of topics on the security, privacy, and safety of information and communication technology. It brings together methods in pure mathematics, computer and...

Advances in Computers covers new developments in computer technology. Most chapters present an overview of a current subfield within computers, with many citations, and often include new developments in the field by the authors of the individual chapters. Topics include hardware, software, theoretical underpinnings of computing, and novel applications of...

This book is geared at postgraduate courses on managing and designing information systems. It concentrates primarily on security in military systems and looks at the different goals organisations might have in employing security techniques and which techniques are best suited to acheiving certain goals. The book provides answers to questions...

Increasingly our critical infrastructures are reliant on computers. We see examples of such infrastructures in several domains, including medical, power, telecommunications, and finance. Although automation has advantages, increased reliance on computers exposes our critical infrastructures to a wider variety and higher likelihood of accidental failures and malicious attacks. Disruption of...

Computer and Information Security Handbook, Third Edition, provides the most current and complete reference on computer security available in one volume. The book offers deep coverage of an extremely wide range of issues in computer and cybersecurity theory, applications, and best practices, offering the latest insights into established and emerging...

Presents information on how to analyze risks to your networks and the steps needed to select and deploy the appropriate countermeasures to reduce your exposure to physical and network threats. Also imparts the skills and knowledge needed to identify and counter some fundamental security risks and requirements, including Internet security...