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Your expert guide to information security As businesses and consumers become more dependent on complexmultinational information systems, the need to understand anddevise sound information security systems has never been greater.This title takes a practical approach to information security byfocusing on real-world examples. While not sidestepping the theory,the emphasis is on...

Information Security and Optimization maintains a practical perspective while offering theoretical explanations. The book explores concepts that are essential for academics as well as organizations. It discusses aspects of techniques and tools—definitions, usage, and analysis—that are invaluable for scholars ranging from those just beginning in the field to established experts....

Developing an information security program that adheres to the principle of security as a business enabler must be the first step in an enterprise’s effort to build an effective security program. Following in the footsteps of its bestselling predecessor, Information Security Fundamentals, Second Edition provides information security professionals with a...