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Educational Psychology, Second Edition offers a comprehensive overview of how key advances in social, developmental and cognitive psychology impact upon the role of educational psychologists working today. Written by leading researchers, the book also explores controversies and dilemmas in both research and practice, providing students with a balanced and cutting-edge...

Designed to be read from cover to cover at one go, this book is ideally meant to be the bedside companion of every student of Educational Psychology. A well-written and carefully referenced compendium of fifteen wonderful chapters, this book is a timely resource for the rapidly growing field of education....

This is Volume VIII of thirty-two in a series of Developmental Psychology. Originally published in 1925, it looks at the problems and methods of educational psychology.

This book sets out a proposal for applying psychological and educational psychology concepts to improve work with children and young people. It also suggests how some of the criticism aimed at pedagogical-psychology practice can be answered. In several respects educational psychology practice seems to be in a transition phase and...