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An updated new edition of the comprehensive guide to reading and understanding financial reports Financial reports provide vital information to investors, lenders, and managers. Yet, the financial statements in a financial report seem to be written in a foreign language that only accountants can understand. This new Eighth Edition of...

"The current nonprofit accounting standards have been in place for 20 years. Recently, the FASB nonprofit accounting committee (NAC) agreed to significantly update the standards for nonprofit financial reporting. These changes will be formalized and released to the industry in late 2015. In addition to walking readers line by line...

This practical book sets out how HR can become a true business partner. It will require a rethinking of HR's contribution to the organization in the future. All the key topics are covered in this work from a specific HR strategic model, reshaping of HR to align itself better with...

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Microfinance is a double bottom line sector which is growing fast, making money and doing well in a variety of socially interesting ways. The growth of its institutions requires good strategies, good control systems and informed decision-making, all of which require an appropriate Management Information System (MIS). While a good...

A comprehensive guide to the key investment decisions all investors must make and how to manage the risk that entails Since all investors seek maximize returns balanced against acceptable risks, successful investment management is all about successful risk management. Strategic Risk Management uses that reality as a starting point, showing...