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ÔConstance de la VegaÕs Dictionary of International Human Rights Law is a marvellous new human rights resource. It provides concise definitions and explanations of key human rights phrases, including specific recognised and emerging rights, relevant concepts, institutions and instruments. Human rights law has not grown in a vacuum, so some...

Although human rights belong to all persons on the basis of their humanity, this book demonstrates that in the practice of international human rights law, the freedom to be non-religious or atheist does not receive the same protection as the freedom to be religious. Despite the claimed universality of freedom...

In recent years, feminist theory has increasingly defined itself in opposition to universalism and to discourses of human rights. Rejecting the troubled legacies of Enlightenment thinking, feminists have questioned the very premises upon which the international human rights movement is based. Rather than abandoning human rights discourse, however, this book...

In Gender-Sensitive Norm Interpretation by Regional Human Rights Law Systems Maria Sjöholm examines the jurisprudence on gender-based harm in the European, Inter-American and African regional human rights law systems from the viewpoint of feminist legal methods and theories. By offering indicators relevant for gender-sensitive norm interpretation, Maria Sjöholm identifies inconsistencies...