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This CHOICE award winning author has teamed up with a national school human resource expert to write a comprehensive book on managing human resources and collective bargaining. Everything you need to know is covered: human resources, recruiting, strategic planning, mentoring, benefits and compensation, terminating employees, unions and more.

This practical book sets out how HR can become a true business partner. It will require a rethinking of HR's contribution to the organization in the future. All the key topics are covered in this work from a specific HR strategic model, reshaping of HR to align itself better with...

IT Security governance is becoming an increasingly important issue for all levels of a company. IT systems are continuously exposed to a wide range of threats, which can result in huge risks that threaten to compromise the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information. This book will be of use to...

TRIZ is the Russian acronym for theory of inventive problem solving. The basic assumption behind this theory is “someone somewhere has already solved your problem or a very similar problem, and all we need to do is apply the same principle to the current problem and solve it similarly.” It...