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Ovid helps researchers, clinicians, and other healthcare professionals find important medical information so that they can make critical decisions to improve patient care, enhance ongoing research, and fuel new discoveries. Subject coverage include:
  1. Medicine
  2. Behavioural Sciences
  3. Nursing and Health Professions
  4. Humanities and Technologies

This is one of the world's leading University Presses and it publishes journals in the following areas: Economics, Humanities, Life Sciences, Social Sciences, Mathematics and Physical sciences and Medicine.

Provides access to several peer reviewed open access journals. Subjects covered include BioSocieties, British Politics, Comparative European Politics, Contemporary Political Theory, Politics, International Politics, Asset Management, Brand Management, Banking Regulation and Public Health and policy.

Paperity is the first multi-disciplinary aggregator of Open Access journals and papers, "gold" and "hybrid". Paperity is the way towards more efficient scholarly communication in all research fields, from Sciences, Technology, Medicine, Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts.

Contains publications from the Parliament of Zimbabwe such as Bills, Acts of Parliament and the Hansard.

Peace and Conflict Studies(PCS--ISSN1082-7307) is committed to interdisciplinary explorations on conflict resolution, peace building, humanitarian assistance, and other alternative mechanisms that seek to prevent and control violence. PCS is also interested in articles focusing on social change and nonviolence: sustainable development, ecological balance, community revitalization, reflective practice, action research, social justice, human rights, gender equality, intercultural relations, grassroots movements and organizational transformations.

Physics of the Dark Universe is a new and innovative online-only, fully open access journal. The journal offers rapid publication of peer-reviewed, original research articles considered of high scientific impact. The journal is focused on the understanding of the nature of Dark Matter and Dark Energy and covers all theoretical, experimental and phenomenological aspects of both Dark Matter and Dark Energy.