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This is a collection of Open Access journals from Taylor and Francis covering various disciplines such as Finance,Economics, Life Sciences and Physical Sciences.

The Dyke is an open-access refereed journal that publishes original articles from the fields of Social Sciences, Business Sciences, Arts & Humanities, and Education.

The Elsevier Coronavirus Research Hub is a free service from Elsevier that includes access to a biomedical database, scientific and clinical content, COVID-19-specific datasets, a biomedically-focused text mining solution and several research collaboration tools, with more tools coming soon. Other important resources include Clinicalkey, Embase, Pathway Studio, Reaxys and Reaxys Medicinal Chemistry and Veridata EDC (Electronic Data Capture).

NOTE: After logging into the above link, please click on “Get Access” to register. Interested users need to register with an institutional email account (Midlands State University email) for faster verification.

The Lyell Collection, created to mark the Geological Society of London's 200th anniversary in 2007, represents one of the largest integrated collections of online Earth Sciences literature available. Subjects covered include Geology, Hydrology, Geochemistry and Geography.

This is a collection of Open Access journals covering many subjects in the Medicine discipline.

Toxnet is a database that publishes articles and documents on Toxicology, Hazardous Chemicals, Environmental health, and Toxic releases.

UJ Press publish titles in all disciplines related to Pan-African Decolonisation and issues surrounding 4IR. The Press also publish co-publications with international publishers, translated titles, digital scholarship including video and audio scholarly outputs and textbooks. Lastly, it will also publish data sets, 3D assets and other digital formats.