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Open Access

The aim of open access is to make the results of academic research as freely available to a wide number of people as possible. Open access allows your academic articles to be immediately available online, making it available to as many people and benefiting humanity.

Benefits of Publishing Open Access

You can easily use some freely available online services to create a distinct author profile and ID. An author ID prevents ambiguity where there are several authors with the same name or name variants. Some tools you can use include:

  • Higher visibility and citation counts for your articles
  • Higher downloads of your articles than subscription-based articles
  • Quicker research dissemination
  • Potential for finding more collaborators in scholarly work
  • Transparency – Your research integrity is strengthened by the fact that more researchers have unlimited access to your work. This allows others to verify your work and make it more credible

To find out more about Open Access click here