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This book provides students with a clear and concise guide to studying undergraduate courses in qualitative consumer research and ethnography. The authors present the major qualitative research approaches used in consumer and marketing research as well as practical procedures and theoretical aspects of research design, report presentation etc. In addition...

The book's target is the executive or middle manager who needs to understand how to incorporate digital marketing into their organization at a strategic level. The book demonstrates how to incorporate digital strategy into firm strategy, focusing on the Resource-Based view, the Value Chain and basic positioning. The book then...

To expand existing literature on loyalty schemes, the impact of stand-alone vs. multi-partner programs on customer loyalty was evaluated. In addition, the effects of store satisfaction, membership in competing programs, as well as various shopper characteristics were tested. Therefore, interviews were conducted with loyalty executives and a survey was carried...

The overall objective of marketing is to ensure that the company obtains the revenues it needs to achieve its profit targets. Marketing management is the analysis, planning, implementation, and control of programs designed to create, build, and maintain beneficial exchanges and relationships with target markets for the purpose of achieving...

Having gained a clear direction of where you are heading and who you are targeting, you need to identify the right marketing or promotional tools to reach those target customers. This article looks at the marketing tools at your disposal and the following chapters cover these techniques in depth to...

Faced with constant changes in consumer behavior, marketers are seeking various tools to promote and market their brands. Among those tools, the most impactful is consumer-generated content (CGC). CGC is viewed as consumers' vote of confidence, which is a form of social proof. CGC allows consumers to be involved with...