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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
It is alleged that the accused, a decorated member of the police force, in the company of more than nine other police officers responded to a report that had been made one, Steven Chidhumo, that the now deceased had threatened him with a spear. From the facts it is common cause that the police’s main mission on the day in question was not solely to investigate the said report but to make a follow up on several others as they had no station vehicle. In that respect, they capitalised on the availability of a vehicle on the day in question.The... More

The appellant’s son one Scott Norman, now deceased andherein after referred to as the deceased owned a cabin cruise boat known as Wandering Star. Before his demise thedeceased entered into a written storage contract with the respondent on 23 November 2009. In terms of the agreement the respondent was required to provide a shed for the storage of the boat. Clause 3 of the agreement set out the payment of rent modalities. Overdue amounts would attract interest prevailing at the time based on the prime rate levied by Barclays Bank Zimbabwe Limited. More

The applicant was convicted on his plea on two counts of armed robbery in contravention of s126 (1) (a) of the Criminal Code and one count for unlawful possession of a firearm in contravention of s4 (1) of the Firearms Act (Chapter 10:09). He was sentenced to 7 years imprisonment on each count of armed robbery. Of the total 14 years 3 years imprisonment was conditionally suspended for 5 years. Of the remaining 11 years one year was suspended of condition of restitution. On the third count he was sentenced to pay a fine of $500-00 in default of payment... More

This is appeal against both conviction and sentence of a judgment of the Provincial Magistrate sitting at Karoi Magistrates Court. The appellant who initially appeared before the court jointly charged with two others who were subsequently acquitted was convicted after a trial for bribery in contravention of s170 of the Criminal Law Codification and Reform Act 9 (Chapter 9:07). He was sentenced to 24 months imprisonment of which 5 months imprisonment was conditionally suspended for 5 years. More

The accused was convicted on a charge of culpable homicide arising from a road traffic accident in contravention of s49 (a) of the Criminal Law Code. He was sentenced to pay a fine of $30 000 in default of payment 60 days imprisonment. In addition 6 months imprisonment was conditionally suspended for 5 years. In addition the accused was prohibited from driving all classes of vehicles for 2 years. The accused drove a Freightliner truck towing a trailer loaded with 30 tonnes of polythene bags of maize. Four passengers were on board sitting on the polythene bags. The deceased was... More