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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The respondent applied to the High Court for an interim interdict seeking the suspension of the first appellant’s cancellation of its licence. The application was granted. The appellants aggrieved by that decision appealed to this Court. More

On 4 July 2017, the Supreme Court acting in terms of s 175(4) of the Constitution referred a constitutional matter to this Court. The essence of its order is to seek from this Court an answer to the question whether or not s 27 of the Public Order and Security Act [Chapter 7.11], (POSA) is constitutional. More

This is an application in terms of s 167(2)(d) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe for the Court to determine whether Parliament or the President has failed to fulfil a constitutional obligation. The applicants aver that the respondents have failed to do so in respect of the presentation and passage of the Local Government Amendment Act No. 8 of 2016 in Parliament. It is further averred that presenting and passing a Bill in contravention of the Constitution amounts to a failure to fulfil a constitutional obligation. More

After perusing documents filed of record and hearing counsel in this matter, it was the unanimous view of the court that the appeal lacked merit. Accordingly, we dismissed the appeal with costs and intimated that our reasons would be available in due course. More

This is an appeal against part of the judgment of the High Court granting a spoliation order and other consequential relief in an application at the instance of a shareholder on behalf of a company. More

This is an appeal against the entire judgment of the High Court dismissing the appellants’ application for the following order More

The two cases were consolidated per request by counsels as the decision in one case affects the other. The parties are the same. In the first case the applicant is applying for registration of an arbitral award while the second matter is an application for setting aside of the same arbitral award handed by the Honourabe Arbitrator Justice NOVEMBER TAFUMA MTSHIYA (Retired judge) on the first of March 2017 in favour of applicant in HC 9484/17. More