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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is an application for a Declaratur sought in terms of s14 of the High Court Act, [Chapter 7:06] where the applicant seeks the following order: “IT IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT: 1. First respondent’s rights, title and interest in certain piece of land situated in the District of Umtali called stand 1815 Chikanga Township of Umtali Township Lands measuring 300 square metres be and are hereby declared executable in satisfaction of the judgment, in favour of the Applicant, in case No. HC 145/20. 2. The first, second and third respondents be and are hereby ordered to sign the necessary cession... More

The applicant was arraigned before the Magistrates Court on a charge of rape as defined in s 65 (1) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23]. It is alleged that some time in December 2020 the complainant approached the accused’s shop to buy a zip. The accused took advantage of being alone with the complainant and forced the complainant to sit on his lap following which he exposed his and her private parts and forcefully inserted his male organ into the complainant’s private parts thereby having none consensual sexual intercourse with the complainant. More

Pursuant to the conviction and sentence for Attempted Murder as defined in s 189 (1) as read with s 47 (1) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23] the appellant lodged the present appeal with this court. The appellant a girlfriend to the complainant was convicted of unlawfully stabbing the complainant one Josam Mapinge in circumstances where there was realisation that there was a real risk or possibility that murder may be committed. The Appellant who stabbed the complainant Josam Mapinge with a knife once in the abdomen was convicted of attempted murder and sentenced to 6... More

Applicant company is duly registered in terms of the laws of Mozambique and is in the business of providing transport services. Applicant was hired by Fungai Makombote, a Zimbabwean, to transport fresh garlic from Beira to Harare via Forbes Border Post. Fungai Makombote had imported the garlic from China. Fungai Makombote also contracted a clearing agent at Forbes Border Post called Afrologistics Private Limited to handle the clearance of the goods in transit. The agent committed fraudulent declarations of the goods culminating in the seizure of both the garlic and the carrier, applicant’s truck. More

Plaintiff issued summons against defendant on 13 February 2020 with a claim of ZW$500 000.00 with interest at the prescribed rate from the date of judgment to date of payment in full and costs on a higher scale for contumelia and loss of consortium flowing from defendant’s adultery with his wife. More