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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
According to the State case, on 2 November 2021 at about 2300 hours, the accused persons approached the deceased one Melody Makaramba with fake gold. The deceased was a known gold smelter and gold buyer in this community of Etna 148 Mine, Kadoma. He would religiously attend to any person anytime. Thus, the accused persons could approach him as late as 2300hrs.When the deceased opened the door to attend to them, the accused pretended to give him gold, they immediately attacked the deceased and strangled him with a wire, and hit him with an iron pestle. The 1st accused stabbed... More

The accused is facing one count of murder in contravention of s 47 (1)(a) and two counts of attempted murder in contravention s189 as read with section 47 (1) of the Criminal Code respectively. She was jointly charged with one Faison Tomu ‘Faison’ who has since absconded. This judgment therefore relates to the accused only. More

On the 24th of October 2020 and at Kenz Bar, Kenzamba the accused in the company of two other accomplices assaulted the deceased one Richard Makazhu with booted feet and clenched fists resulting in the death of the deceased. The two accomplices have since absconded, the accused is before us charged with murder in contravention of s47 (1) of the Criminal Law Codification and Reform Act (Chapter 9:23). More

The applicants appeared before a Magistrate contravening s82 of the Parks and Wildlife General Regulations Statutory instrument 362/90 as read with s128 (B) of the Parks and Wildlife Act, possession of raw ivory. In their application, the applicants indicated that they have fixed places of abode. They are not likely to abscond since they did not commit the offence. They also averred that there is no likelihood that they will interfere with witnesses. The State witnesses are members of the International Anti-Poaching Foundation and police officer. There is no way they can influence them. More

This application is a two in one. It is an opposed application for the review of taxation of a bill of costs by the second respondent made in terms of r 56 (2) of the Supreme Court Rules, 2018 (“the Rules”). In opposing the application, the first respondent also filed a counter-application seeking a review of the same taxation and a removal of certain items of the bill allowed by the second respondent. More