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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The appellant was charged and convicted of four counts of robbery in terms of s126 of the Criminal Law [Codification and Reform] Act Chapter 9:23. He pleaded not guilty but was nevertheless convicted after a full trial. He was sentenced to 4 years imprisonment on each count to make a total of 16 years imprisonment, with 4 years suspended for 5 years on stated conditions. He is serving an effective 12 years imprisonment. He is appealing against both conviction and the sentence. More

This matter was placed before me as an urgent chamber application. The applicant seeks the following provisional order. TERMS OF THE INTERIM RELIEF GRANTED That pending the final determination of this application, applicant is granted the following interim relief; 1. The 4th respondent or any of his authorised officers, assignees or agents, be and are hereby ordered to suspend the sale in execution of stand No 174 Banket Township set for 8 September 2023. 2. Costs of this application shall be determined in the application for consolidation case no. HC 6659/20. More

The plaintiff in the main action instituted summons against the respondents seeking a declaratory and consequential relief. The declaratory claim was for the nullification of the agreement of sale between the 1st and 2nd defendant, as well as, the registration of stand 174 Banket Township, Banket into the 1st defendant’s name. In addition, the plaintiff sought the upholding of the plaintiff’s agreement of sale and the restoration of the property into the into the original owner’s name, Cleopas Hove, upon the reinstatement of the late Cleopas Hove’s Deed No 4439/97, alongside other ancillary issues. More

The six accused persons appeared before the court facing one count of murder in contravention of s 47 (1) of the Criminal Code. The state alleged that on the 25th of July 2020 the accused persons with common purpose assaulted the deceased indiscriminately with logs, open hands and clenched fists leading to his death. They suspected the deceased to have stolen the 1st and 4th accused’s cattle. They then dragged him to their vehicles and took him to Nyabira Police Station. The deceased later died of injuries. More

The accused was charged together with three other co - accused persons of one count of murder in contravention of s47 (1) of the Criminal Code. The State alleged that on the 2nd of November 2020 the accused acting in common purpose with his three co accused persons assaulted one Charles Cherachera with knobkerries, logs and clenched fists leading to his death. The accused denied the offence. More