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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
Through a twist of fate an 82 year old octogenarian’s life tragically came to an end at the hands of the accused. The accused, a female then aged 34 had a history of epileptic seizures. The condition or chemical imbalances that can be induced as a result of the seizures culminated into the accused losing control of her mental faculties. She started by conversing inaudibly to unknown invisible persons. The family decided to seek spiritual intervention and took her to a prophet’s shrine. Her condition deteriorated prompting the accused to take to her heels with her mother in hot pursuit.... More

The accused person, Shepherd Chitsa then aged 20, strangled his 60 year old mother, Melania Matambura to death, in broad day light, in the midst of a heavy rain down pour, in their homestead at house number,1185, Hintonville, Chegutu. On that fateful day, of the 17th of January 2022, only accused and the deceased were at home, in a residence shared with the accused’s other two male siblings. No one else witnessed what transpired apart from the accused and the deceased. Unfortunately the dead tell no tales. The deceased died and took her secrets to the grave. She was buried... More

On the 7th of September 2022 and at Chipunza Street Rimuka, Kadoma, it is alleged that the accused acting in common purpose with his accomplices still at large stabbed Ian Mharadze using an unidentified weapon with intent to cause his death or realizing that death may result but persisted in their conduct. Ian Mharadze subsequently succumbed to the injuries he sustained. More

The deceased Malunga aged twenty-seven years suffered one of the most vicious, atrocious and brutal deaths at the hands of the accused person and two of his accomplices now at large. His most pivotal vital organs the heart and the lungs were lacerated. More

A terminally ill juvenile aged 18 years was arrested and charged for contravening section 89(4)C of the Postal and Telecommunications Act Chapter 12:05, alternatively, section 10 of the Copper Control Act Chapter 14:12, that is found in possession of copper wires without a license. Both statutory offences carry a specified mandatory prison term with the latter a ten- year automatic custodial sentence. He was convicted of the alternative charge and acquitted on the main after tendering a guilty plea. The trial court found no special circumstances and sentence him to an effective ten- year mandatory sentence. More