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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The appellants appeared before the court a quo on initial remand. They face a charge of contravention of s60 A (3) (b) of the Electricity Act (Chapter 13:19). It is alleged that between 30 March and 14 April 2024 at Ngwati Shaft, Zimplats Kadoma, the appellants in the company of two others who were granted bail unlawfully cut 419 metres of armoured copper cables weighing 2 572kgs whose value is US$45 360. It was all recovered. An application for bail pending trial was made. It was opposed by the State. More

This application was placed before me on a certificate of urgency for a final order of attachment of a boat known as The Royal Nikobasa to found jurisdiction in an anticipated pecuniary claim against the first respondent only. In the same application the applicant seeks an order to serve process on the first respondent through e-mail. The second respondent was joined to the proceedings by way of an application for joinder. More

This is an appeal against a judgment of a Magistrate, refusing bail in respect of the three appellants. The appellants pray that the judgment of the court a quo be set aside and substituted with an order that they be admitted to bail with appropriate conditions. More

Appellant, appeared before the Regional Magistrate Court, Kadoma on two occasions seeking bail pending trial. He had been apprehended on two charges of armed robbery and possession of articles used in the commission of an offence, in contravention of ss126 and 140 of the Criminal Law Codification and Reform Act [Chapter,9:23], respectively. Of note, on his initial remand of the 2nd of May 2024, bail was opposed by the State, on the faith of the request of remand form and the investigating officer’s affidavit. When the appellant reappeared on the 8th of May 2024, the State was in possession of... More

This is an application for the rescission of a default judgment of this court under case HC69/22 of the 16th of June 2022. It has been brought in terms of rule 29 of the 2021 High Court Rules. The averments are that the default judgment was granted in the absence of and without the citation and incorporation of applicant who is an interested party. Applicant alleges that the action summons in case HC69/22 where only served on the 3rd respondent who in turn did not oppose, hence the default order. More