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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
What confronts this court in this civil trial is a box ring match. There is no witness testimony, nor is there any other real, direct and independent evidence to support either side’s averments. It is the plaintiff’s word against that of his opponent. The mammoth task is the need to place before the court enough circumstantial evidence upon which the court can plough through to arrive at a reasonable inference exclusively pointing one direction as opposed to the other, intriguingly bearing in mind the parameters of the burden of proof in Civil matters. More

The 1st appellant is an Agronomist in the Hurungwe District of Mashonaland West. The 2nd appellant is farmer in Karoi. They were jointly charged with fraud in contravention of s136 of the Criminal Law [codification and Reform] Act (Chapter 9:23). The offence relates to fraud in respect of agricultural inputs supplied by the Government. More

This is an appeal against the decision of a Magistrate Court sitting as a Community Court of appeal ordering her eviction. More

This is an urgent chamber application to interdict the respondents from carrying out executive functions of the first applicant including preparations for the August 2022Kadoma agricultural show. The first applicant is a legal persona with capacity to sue and be sued. The second to the ninth applicants purport to be the lawful appointed authority to administer the affairs of the first applicant. The respondents are individuals with capacity to be sued. They too claim to be the lawful committee to run the first applicant’s affairs. At the heart of this dispute, is the control of the first applicant. More

Appellant was charged and convicted of three counts of robbery by the Magistrates court sitting at Chinhoyi Regional Court on the 31" of May 2022. He was sentenced to six years imprisonment on each of the three counts. Three years imprisonment was suspended with conditions from the combined total of 18 years. He was left to serve 15 years in custody. Aggrieved by that decision, he has appealed to this court against both conviction and sentence in all the three counts. More