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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is an appeal against both conviction and sentence. Appellant was convicted of theft of a motor vehicle in contravention of section 113 (1) (a) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23], following a full trial after pleading not guilty. He was sentenced to 36 months imprisonment, with 12 months suspended for 5 years, on condition that, he does not commit similar offences involving dishonesty and theft, upon which if convicted will be sentenced to an imprisonment term without an option of a fine. An effective 24 months jail term remained. More

The historical narrative is that, the first and third applicants are brothers borne of the same father, whilst the second is a wife to their late brother. The dispute revolves around their stay and occupation of a once family property, farm 27 Chitomborwizi East, Chinhoyi. The farm is said to have originated from their biological father Johannes Ngandu Chiguvare who was the original occupier or acquirer in the late 1940s. Somehow, their late father is said to have donated his rights and interests in the said farm to one of his sons, a brother to the two applicants, Antonio Mapfumo... More

This is an appeal against the decision of the Regional Magistrate Court. It is against both conviction and sentence. The appellant was convicted, in a contested trial of three counts of rape, in terms of s65 of the Criminal Law and Codification Act Chapter 9:23. He was sentenced to an effective 15 years imprisonment term. More

The appellant was convicted on a charge of rape in terms of s65(1)(a) after a contested trial. He was sentenced to fifteen years imprisonment, three suspended with attached conditions and twelve years effective imprisonment. He is appealing against both conviction and sentence. The grounds of appeal on conviction are basically that the court misdirected itself by making a finding that the complainant’s evidence was credible and discrediting that of the appellant as the onus of proof beyond a reasonable doubt rests on the State. More

The plaintiff issued summons for compensation in the sum of US$25 000 for improvements on Stand number 3701, Cold Stream, Chinhoyi ‘the property’ after the death of Felix Chasi alternatively that, in the event the defendant fails to pay then the plaintiff buys off the defendant from the property and costs of suit. The claim is based on unjust enrichment. More