This is an application for bail pending appeal. The principles underlying an application of this nature are summarily, the likelihood of abscondment, prospects of success and the delay before the appeal is heard as outlined in the case of S v Dzawo 1998 (1) ZLR 556(S). These are counter balanced by the interests of the administration of justice and an individual’s right to freedom. See, S v Williams 1980 ZLR 466(A). However, the rules are sterner for a convicted person than those who stands to be convicted as the latter has constitutionally entrenched rights to liberty and to be presumed... More
The appellant was sentenced to 8 years imprisonment with 4 suspended on attached conditions after being convicted of aggravated indecent assault on a minor girl child, in contravention of the main charge, s66(1) (c) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23] following a contested trial. The alternative charge, of indecent assault as defined in s67(1)(a)(i) of the Act was withdrawn by the State before plea with the concurrence of the trial court which acknowledged unnecessary splitting of charges. More
The applicant registered a mining block known as Golden Mile 12 in 1995 with a registration number 23506.The applicant has religiously complied with all the necessary legal and statutory requirements for a valid registration. However, the validity of the registration is disputed, the 2nd respondent alleges that it was forfeited in June 2021.The forfeiture is subject to litigation.The applicant has been in occupation of the mine since 1995.In November 2021 the 1st respondent invaded the mine and advised all the occupants that he was the new owner. The applicant approached the Provincial Mining Director who advised the applicant that his... More
[1] On the17th of March 1997 applicant entered into a lease agreement over property stand number 3608 Mzari Extension, Chinhoyi with the first respondent.
[2] An agreement of sale of the same property was transacted the following year on the 13th of March 1998 after the payment of an agreed deposit. More
From June the applicant being the transporter parked the trucks loaded with copper at Chirundu Customs area for a period in excess of three months without the 1st respondent’s knowledge and approval. On the 1st of October 2023 the applicant reported a theft of its three trucks and cargo at Chirundu Police Station under CR 02/10/23. The matter is still pending at Karoi Magistrates Court. On the same day the 1st of October, the three mechanical horses were recovered parked in Zambia near the border. They were brought to the Zimbabwean side.
Investigations established that the three horses had illegally... More