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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
At the hearing of the appeal against the decision of the High Court, Harare, declaring as invalid, and consequently striking down, the provisions of ss 2(a), 33 and 36 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement for the Communications and Allied Services Industry, Statutory Instrument 1/12, the parties, by consent, requested the Supreme Court to refer for determination certain constitutional questions to this Court in terms of s 175(4) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe. More

On 24 August 2018 the Constitutional Court (“the Court”) handed down the abridged version of the judgment in the case in which the applicant challenged the validity of the Presidential election held on 30 July 2018. More

This is an appeal against the judgment of MUSAKWA J. After hearing submissions by counsel and considering the matter, the appeal was dismissed and the Court issued the following order: “1. The appeal be and is hereby dismissed in its entirety. 2. There will be no order as to costs.” The Court indicated that reasons for judgment would follow. The file in this matter, together with a number of other similar files where judgment had been given with reasons to follow, was inadvertently filed with the completed matters. This accounts for the delay in handing down the following reasons for... More

The applicant in this matter was convicted of the murder of his girlfriend. Because of extenuating circumstances, he was sentenced to life imprisonment. He was aged 19 at the time of his conviction and has been in gaol since 1995 for almost 21 years. The gravamen of his application is that life imprisonment without the possibility of judicial review or parole is unconstitutional. More

Both matters were disposed of on the basis of a concession made that the facts in respect of each case did not disclose an offence. What follows are the reasons for the order made on that day striking both matters off the roll. More