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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
On 1 March 2018 the applicants filed a chamber application for leave for direct access to the Constitutional Court in terms of r 21(2) of the Constitutional Court Rules SI 61 of 2016 (“the Rules”). The first and second applicants are political parties represented by the third and fourth applicants respectively. The fifth applicant is a political activist. He is not a member of any of the political parties. It is not explained in the papers why the political parties were joined with him in the making of the application. More

This is a chamber application for an order for leave to appeal to the Constitutional Court (“the Court”) against a decision of the Supreme Court (“the court a quo”). The application is made in terms of r 32(2) of the Constitutional Court Rules S.I. 61/2016 (“the Rules”). More

This case raises for determination questions of the constitutionality of civil legislation’s retrospective effect. More

On 17 October 2023 the Supreme Court was seized with an application “for a review” of a judgment by a single judge of the court sitting in chambers “purportedly” filed in terms of s 176 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013 as read with s 6 of the Supreme Court Act [Chapter 7:13] (“the Act”). The court dismissed with costs an application for referral in terms of s 175 (4) of the Constitution and indicated that its reasons would ensue in due course. On 19 October 2023, the Supreme Court rendered its decision declining jurisdiction in respect of the application... More

This matter was placed before the full bench of this Court for confirmation of an order of constitutional invalidity pursuant to r 31 of the Constitutional Court Rules, 2016, (hereinafter “the Rules”) as read with s 175 (1) of the Constitution, against the judgment of the High Court, (hereinafter “court a quo”) in the case of Penelope Douglas Stone & Anor v Central Africa Building Society & Ors HC 4243/21. More