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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The two matters herein are applications for leave to appeal, lodged in terms of r 32(2) of the Constitutional Court Rules 2016, against two separate judgments of the Supreme Court. The first judgment (No. SC 131/21) was handed down in Case No. SC 153/20, while the second judgment (No. SC 132/21) was delivered in Case No. SC 125/21. More

These are two separate applications which are substantially similar, in that they raise the same issues and seek the same kind of relief against the same respondent church. More

On 12 February 2013, the respondent issued a purchase order to the appellant for the supply by the latter of 2 x 12KV vacuum circuit breakers. Early in the morning on the following day, the respondent sent an email to the appellant instructing it to hold any further transactions on the order until further notice. A series of emails was exchanged by the parties, with the respondent insisting that the order be put on hold and that it had in fact cancelled the order. On the other hand, the appellant insisted that it had already placed an order with its... More

This is an unopposed application for leave to appeal to the Constitutional Court, made in terms of r 32 of the Constitutional Court Rules, 2016 (the Rules), against the decision of the Supreme Court (the court a quo) in Judgment No. SCB 03-24. The court a quo allowed, with costs, the first respondent’s appeal against the decision of the High Court in HB 102-23. It further set aside that judgment and substituted it with an order upholding the first respondent’s preliminary point on jurisdiction and declining jurisdiction to hear the matter. More

The four applicants are the fathers and guardians of their respective minor daughters, all four of whom are pupils at Arundel School, a private girls’ school situated in Harare. The first and second respondents are the Trustees and Headmistress of the School. The third respondent is the Minister of Primary and Secondary Education, cited in his official capacity, and the fourth respondent is the Attorney-General, also cited in his official capacity. More