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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is an automatic appeal, filed in terms of s 44(2)(c) of the High Court Act (Chapter 7;06), against conviction and the penalty of a death sentence imposed on the appellants by the High Court on 8 June 2020 following their conviction on a charge of murder with constructive intent. Two separate appeals were filed by each of the appellants. The two appeals in question were consolidated, through an order of this Court dated 6 July 2022, as both appeals involved the same judgment. More

This is an appeal against the entire judgment of the High Court sitting at Harare dated 30 March 2016 wherein it was held that there was a valid and binding surety agreement between the appellant and the respondent. On that basis the appellant was ordered to pay the respondent the sum of US$37,497.42. More

: This is an opposed chamber application for condonation for non-compliance with r 60 (2) of the Supreme Court Rules, 2018 and for extension of time within which to appeal. The intended appeal is against a judgment of the Labour Court handed down on 25 January 2019 dismissing an application for review of the decision made by the first respondent to dismiss the applicant from employment. More

This is an appeal against the judgment of the High Court of Zimbabwe (‘court a quo’) dated 15 June 2023 in which it dismissed an application for a final interdict sought by the appellant against the respondents. The first respondent, which had an obvious interest in the matter, vigorously opposed the application while the second and the third respondents chose to abide by the decision of the court. More

This is an appeal against the whole judgment of the High Court (the court a quo) sitting at Harare dated 26 August 2020 confirming the cancellation of the agreement of sale entered into between the first respondent and the late Benjamin Njiwah and ordering ejection of the appellant from the property described as Stand Number 3131 Dzivarasekwa Township, Harare (the property). More