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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is an appeal against the sentence of death imposed by the High Court on 2 February 2015 following the conviction of the appellant on a charge of murder. More

The appellant has approached this Court in terms of Rule 67 of the Rules of this Court which rule must be read with s 121 of the Criminal Procedure and Evidence Act [Chapter 9:07]. More

This is an appeal against the whole judgment of the Labour Court handed down on 16 December 2016 whereby it upheld the appeal by the respondent and set aside the decision of the NEC Appeals Board for The Banking Undertaking (the NEC Appeals Board). The latter had set aside the decision of the Disciplinary Committee dismissing the appellant. More

This is an application for extension of time within which to apply for leave to appeal.After hearing submissions from both parties I reserved judgment More

The appellant is a former employer of the respondents. On 12 March 2012 the first respondent commenced employment with the appellant as a Human Resources Manager. The second respondent commenced employment with the appellant on 1 March 2012 as an Accounts Manager. The respondents signed written contracts of employment agreeing to serve a probationary period of three months. During that period the notice period for termination of employment was 24 hours. More