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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is an application for leave to appeal against a decision of the Labour Court, handed down on 27 October 2014 dismissing with costs, an appeal to that court against a decision of the respondent dismissing the appellant from employment. Leave to appeal was denied by the Labour Court on the premise that the intended appeal had no prospects of success. More

[1] This is an opposed chamber application for condonation of late noting of appeal and extension of time within which to note an appeal. The application is brought in terms of r 43 of the Supreme Court Rules 2018 pursuant to the applicant’s failure to file a proper notice of appeal within 15 days of the judgment intended to be appealed against in breach of r 37. More

1. This is a chamber application for reinstatement of the applicant’s appeal in terms of r 70 (2) of the Supreme Court Rules 2018 (the Rules). The application is pursuant to the Registrar’s order deeming the appeal abandoned and dismissed in terms of r 53 (1) of the Rules. The appeal was deemed abandoned and dismissed for want of filing heads of argument on time. The application is opposed. More

The appellant seeks the setting aside and substitution with a dismissal of the judgment of the High Court (the court a quo) handed down on 13 July 2020. The court a quo set aside the discharge order of the respondents from the army and reinstated them without loss of salary or benefits. More