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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
On 12 February 2020, the High Court handed down judgment directing the appellant to refund to the respondent the sum of ZWL 545 058, 14 together with interest at the prescribed rate reckoned from September 2002. It also ordered the appellant to pay the respondent’s costs of suit. This appeal is against the whole of that judgment. BACKGROUND On 18 June 2002 the respondent, which is anincorporation registered in Zimbabwe, purchased 30 motor vehicles from Japan which were quickly shipped to Durban in South Africa on 29 July 2002. On 2 August 2002 the Minister of Finance published General Notice... More

MAKONI JA: This is an appeal against the whole judgment of the High Court handed down on 31 January 2019 in which it upheld the respondent’s appeal and granted an order for the eviction of the appellant More

At the close of the defence cases for accused persons both Mr Mutema for accused 1 and Mr O Mafa for accused 2 indicated that they had no closing submissions either orally or written to make. Indeed, their stance may be understandable. The case for both accused persons is not an easy one to say the least. It is only Mr Mbavarira for the state who filed written closing submissions. More

The three accused persons, Lovemore Masauki, Naison Masauki, and Ellin Joe, were arraigned before this court on a charge of murder as defined in section 47(1) of the Criminal Law Code [Chapter 9:23]. They all pleaded not guilty. The state presented viva voce evidence and produced exhibits to support its case against the accused. The accused gave their defences but did not call any other witnesses, relying solely on their own testimonies. More

On 8 February 2018 the High Court delivered a judgment in respect to this matter. The appellant noted the present appeal against the decision of the court a quo which imposed a penalty of death against the appellant for the murder of two deceased persons. More