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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
(3) The applicants noted an appeal to this Court against the decision of the High Court in HC 1348/21. The parties thereafter appeared before the Registrar in terms of r 55 (2), for the determination of the amount the applicants had to pay as security for the respondents’ costs. The Registrar determined the amount the applicants had to pay as the respondents’ security of costs and the period within which it was to be paid. More

MAKONI JA: This is an appeal against the whole judgment of the High Court declining to grant, each of the appellants, declaratory relief that the respondent’s unilateral debit of their bank accounts held with it (the respondent) was unlawful. More

The respondents are husband and wife. They are before this Court pursuant to a suit for defamation instituted by them in the High Court against the appellants herein. In the declaration, the first respondent is described as an Ambassador. It is a description which appears common cause. The first appellant is the editor of the Newsday Newspaper, with the second appellant being the publisher, printer and distributer of the publication. More

GWAUNZA DCJ [1] This is an appeal against a judgment of the High Court which found that the appellants and the respondenthad concluded a loan agreement and consequently ordered the appellants to pay certain amounts of money to the respondent. After hearing the parties, the court dismissed the appeal with costs and indicated that thereasons for the order would follow in due course. These are the reasons. More

This is a chamber application made in terms of r 12 of the Supreme Court Rules ,1964. The brief background to this application may be summarised as follows: The applicants are husband and wife. They approached the court a quo, by way of urgent chamber application, seeking a stay of execution and return of goods which had been removed pursuant to a writ of execution following a default judgment which was granted in favour of the second respondent. The default judgment, related to a claim by the second respondent, who was the legal practitioner for the second applicant, claiming unpaid... More