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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is an appeal against the whole judgment of the High Court (court a quo) in which the court granted an application for the registration of the judgment of the Labour Court amounting to US $177 408.00 in favour of the respondent. More

In December 2011, the applicant lent and advanced an amount of One Million United States Dollars (USD$1 000 000.00), (hereinafter referred to as the loan) to the first respondent to fund its cotton seed purchase for the 2012 buying season. The second to the sixth respondents executed personal guarantees in respect of the transaction that bound them as guarantors of the loan. They jointly and severally bound themselves in varying amounts in respect of the loan. In addition, the respondents also bound themselves as sureties and co-principal debtors for a punctual re-payment of the loan. The seventh respondent tendered stand... More

MATHONSI JA: This is an automatic appeal against conviction and the sentence of death imposed on the appellant by the High Court on 30 July 2020 following his conviction of murder with actual intent More

The parties are embroiled in a dispute involving a botched deal for the sale of motor vehicles. The facts in respect of both appeals are the same. Sometime in January 2017, Mutare Toyota entered into an agreement of sale with Sakunda in terms of which it was to deliver, on or before 28 February 2017, five Toyota Landcruiser LC 200 VX and three Toyota Prado motor vehicles at a cumulative price of about S$1,274,000.00. The parties agreed that Sakunda would pay the full purchase price upon an invoice being raised by Mutare Toyota. In pursuance of the agreement, Sakunda duly... More

This is an appeal against the judgment of the High Court granting absolution from the instance with costs in favour of the respondent. The appellant had issued summons against the respondent claiming the sum of US$5,348,887.75 together with interest at the rate of 15 per cent per annum and costs on a legal practitioner and client scale. The claim was in respect of the development, implementation and integration of a Zimbabwe Revenue Authority Online Payment System (ZOPS) in various banks in the country. The appellant averred that it rendered these services to the respondent pursuant to a tacit contract concluded... More