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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is an appeal against the whole judgment of the High Court handed down on 2 July 2020 inter alia nullifying the Mashoko-Kusisa Family Trust, directing the first appellant and the third respondents to render a full account of the business operations and functions of that trust from 8 May 2006 and dismissing the claim for the eviction of the first respondent and those claiming occupation through her from the trust property known as No 1 Franco Close, Borrowdale Harare (the property). More

(1) This is an appeal against the whole judgment of the High Court, granting a spoliation order in terms of which the appellants were ordered to restore possession of Danga 16442, Oceana 5545, Reedbuck 2 5535BM, Reedbuck 1 55 35BM and Lucky 8260 BM mining claims (hereinafter referred to as “the mining claims”) to the first respondent and finding the first appellant guilty of contempt of court. More

The applicant filed an urgent chamber application for the setting aside of para 11 of the High Court’s order made after hearing consolidated opposed applications in H/C 6272/19, H/C 6630/19 and H/C 6692. In para 11 of its order the court a quo ordered that: “Notwithstanding any appeal that the first respondent may file against this order, the operation of this order shall not be suspended by the filing of such an appeal.” The court a quo’s order in para 11 was clearly intended to render the anticipated appeal by the applicant ineffective as regards the suspension of the orders... More

HLATSHWAYO JA: This is an appeal against the entire judgment delivered by the Honourable Justice Zhou in the High Court of Zimbabwe. The order sought to be impugned reads as follows: “IT IS ORDERED THAT: 1. Judgment be and is hereby given in favour of the plaintiff against the first, second and third defendants jointly and severally the one paying the others to be absolved for: (a) Payment of US$1 105 748.90 plus interest at the rate of 15 per cent per annum from the 9 September 2015 such interest calculated monthly and in advance on the said sum and... More

This is an appeal against the judgment of the High Court sitting at Masvingo delivered on 24 June 2020 which dismissed with costs the application made by the two appellants for a declaratory order and an interdict. FACTUAL BACKGROUND The two appellants are sugar producing giants in the Lowveld while the first respondent is the statutory body charged with revenue collection in Zimbabwe. The remainder of the respondents are either sugar cane farmers or associations representing such farmers. The respondents will be referred to in this judgment for convenience, as Zimbabwe Revenue Authority and the farmers respectively More