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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is an appeal against the whole judgment of the High Court sitting at Bulawayo. The judgment upheld the respondent’s court application for the registration of an arbitral award against the appellant in terms of the Arbitration Act [Chapter7:15] (UNCITRAL) Model Law Schedule (Section 2) (Model Law). More

The first respondent filed an urgent chamber application for a spoliation order in the High Court on 27 August 2021. The basis of the application was that the appellants had unlawfully deprived it of possession of part of a certain piece of land being Lot 4 Devuli Ranch (the land), by hiring thugs to violently and forcefully beat up the first respondent’s employees. It was the first respondent’s case that the land was initially owned by the appellant under Deed of Transfer 5251/92 but the land was compulsorily acquired by the State on 29 September 2005. More

This is a chamber application for condonation of the late noting of appeal and extension of time within which to appeal purportedly in terms of r 38(1) of the Supreme Court Rules 2018. The brief facts giving rise to this application maybe stated as follows:- On 22 September 2016, the first respondent made a decision allowing the second respondent to effect developments on Stand 18962 Boundary Road, Eastlea Harare, whose location the applicant contends is a wetland. The decision was made under s 130(3) of the Environment Management Act [Chapter 20:27]. More

The appellant is a former CID detective in the Zimbabwe Republic Police who was, prior to disengagement, based at Harare Central Police Station. He, along with one of his co-accused, Given Mushore, are serving a term of three years imprisonment for unlawful entry committed in aggravating circumstances and a term of thirty years imprisonment for murder. This followed their conviction and sentence by the High Court of Zimbabwe sitting at Harare (the court a quo) on 17 August 2022. The court a quo ordered the two sentences to run concurrently. More

This is an appeal against the judgment of the High Court, sitting as a court of appeal, delivered on 30 November 2016, which dismissed the appellant’s appeal against both conviction and sentence in its entirety. More