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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The appeal is from the High Court where the applicant had made an application for the determination of whether or not the will executed by one late Amos Chirunda on 9 December 1997 was valid. The application was dismissed with costs, hence this present appeal. The question before this Court therefore is whether or not the court a quo erred in finding that the will in contention was invalid More

This is an appeal against the decision of the High Court dated 2 July 2014 granting the respondent’s claim to the farm he is leasing from the State. More

4. The pertinent and condensed facts for the purposes of this judgment are that the appellant, facing certain charges, was admitted to bail on certain conditions including the condition that she surrenders her diplomatic passport to the clerk of court at Harare Magistrates Court. Thereafter, in different proceedings and on different charges that were subsequently laid against her, she was admitted to bail after successfully appealing to the High Court against refusal of bail. The subsequent bail order was later altered by the addition of a provision requiring her to surrender her ordinary passport to the clerk of court at... More

This is an appeal against the judgment of the High Court dismissing the appellant application for variation of bail conditions. More

This is an appeal against the decision of the High Court, wherein the High Court dismissed the appellant’s application for an order in terms of s 4 of the Administrative Justice Act [Chapter 10:28]. Before finalization of the matter the court drew the parties’ attention to a potentially significant point of law not addressed on the papers or in submissions, viz., the implications to the appeal of s 7(2)(c)(i) of the Securities Act [Chapter 24:25] and to file any supplementary submissions they may wish to make on the point by 14 March 2016. Mr Mpofu, for the appellant filed supplementary... More