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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is an appeal against the whole judgment of the High Court of Zimbabwe handed down on 14 June 2018 in HC 2606/17as HB 147/18 dismissing the appellant’s application for condonation and extension of time within which to apply for a review of a labour court judgment More

The applicant is a tenacious serial litigant in the Bulawayo Labour Court, High Court and in the Supreme Court. He is a disgruntled former employee of the first respondent, who has been fighting tooth and nail without success to have his labour case, which was struck off the roll by the second respondent in the Labour Court on 22 March 2015, reviewed by the High Court. More

This is an appeal against the whole judgment of the High Court, dismissing the appellant’s claim against the respondent on the basis that it had prescribed and that the alleged acknowledgment of debt by the respondent did not interrupt prescription. More

This is an appeal against the judgment of the High Court granting absolution from the instance in respect of appellant’s claim against the respondents. At the hearing of the matter before the court a quo, the claim against the first respondent was withdrawn, as the company no longer existed, leaving only the second respondent as the defendant being sued. For some unexplained reason, both defendants have continued to be cited as respondents on appeal. More

The background to this matter is that sometime in 2006, the first respondent purchased five commercial stands in Nyazura from the second respondent and paid for them in full. Upon commencement of development on the allocated stands, one Mr Mukada indicated to the first respondent that he had been allocated a portion of the same stands, thereby essentially constituting a double sale. Upon enquiry, the second respondent admitted that it had erroneously made a double sale. In a bid to cure the error, the second respondent allocated new stands to the first respondent in 2014. Just as the first respondent... More