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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is an appeal against the judgment of the Labour Court handed down on 21 June 2021 which dismissed the appellant’s appeal against the decision to dismiss him from employment. At the hearing of the appeal the court heard both the preliminary points raised by MrNkomo for the respondent and the merits of the appeal and reserved judgment. The preliminary points taken are that the appeal made to the court a quo was incompetent and ought to have failed for that reason. In addition, counsel for the respondent submitted that there were reviewable irregularities which vitiated the proceedings in the... More

3. The appellant is a registered commercial bank operating in Zimbabwe. The first respondent is a private company registered in accordance with the laws of Zimbabwe. The third to seventh respondents are private individuals who bound themselves as sureties and co-principal debtors in respect of a loan granted to the first respondent. The second respondent is a private limited company duly incorporated in Zimbabwe. 4. The appellant issued summons against the respondents on 13 March 2017 for the payment of US$ 368 706.62 being capital and US$ 20 654.10 being interest on the sum of US$ 368 706.62 at the... More

The appellant is appealing against the whole judgment of the High Court (the court a quo) in which it upheld the first respondent’s suit against the appellant claiming a declarator and a half share of Usaramu Farm (the Farm), whereupon the court a quo issued the following order: “Accordingly therefore it is hereby ordered as follows: 1. It is hereby declared that Usaramu Farm was jointly acquired by the Plaintiff and the late Christen Chauraya. 2. The plaintiff’s claim for a half share in the farm is hereby allowed to an extent whereby parties have to take appropriate legal steps... More

The second respondent, Monica Gondo, had entered into an agreement of sale with the applicant’s former husband when there was no valid subdivisional permit at the time the sale was concluded. Accordingly, the subsequent transfer to the second respondent was defective, fatally so. The applicant challenged the validity of that sale through an application for cancellation of title made before the High Court. The high Court, according to the applicant, erroneously found that the matter was “res judicata” and upheld the second respondent’s preliminary objection on that ground. The second respondent, through her legal practitioners, founded part of the basis... More

This is an appeal against the judgment of the High Court of Zimbabwe ordering the return of all the goods belonging to the first and second respondent attached pursuant to a default judgment granted earlier by the same court against the second respondent. The judgment appealed against also ordered that the returned goods remain under judicial attachment until the finalisation of the proceedings between the parties. More