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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is an appeal against the decision of the High Court granting an order evicting the appellant and requiring him to pay holding over damages and costs of suit. The respondent alleged that he was the registered owner of the property in question, situated in Meyrick Park, Harare, and that the appellant was occupying the property without his consent, entitling him to claim holding over damages in the sum of $500 per month from 1 November 2011. More

In action proceedings instituted before the High Court of Zimbabwe, the appellant, as plaintiff, sought an order against the respondent for payment of damages in the sums of US$100,000 for malicious prosecution and US$300,000 for malicious arrest and detention. At the close of the plaintiff’s case, the respondent, as defendant, applied for absolution from the instance. The High Court found for the respondent and, consequently, granted absolution from the instance, with the appellant paying the costs of suit. It is against that order that an appeal has been noted to this Court. More

This is a chamber application for reinstatement of an application for leave to appeal and condonation for late filing of documents. When the applicant filed his chamber application for leave to appeal he had over looked the need to file the charge sheet, the state outline More

This is an appeal against the whole judgment of the High Court handed down on 20 March 2019, quashing the charges that the first and second respondents were facing in an ongoing criminal More

This is an application for leave to appeal to the Supreme Court in terms of s 44(6) of the High Court Act [Chapter 7:06]. In particular, the applicant seeks leave to appeal against the decision of the High Court handed down on 20 March 2019 in Case No. 11141/18 (as Judgment No. HH 229-19). The effect of that judgment was to quash the criminal charges against the respondents in Case No. CRB P 9114-5/18 and consequently to order their acquittal on those charges. More