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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
On 8 March 2011 I dismissed this application on the ground that it was not properly before the court. The legal practitioners for the second to fifth respondents has since written requesting for reasons for my ruling. These are they: On 8 September 2010 the applicants (i.e. 59 Beneficiaries of Valley Lane Housing Scheme) filed an application seeking the following relief: “IT IS ORDERED THAT: 1. The first respondent shall forthwith, that is to say, within two hours of service of this order upon him or his agents, employees or invitees restore possession and control of the fifty nine (59)... More

The applicant seeks leave to appeal. This is in respect of a composite judgment of this court and the Fiscal Appeals Court on 22 April 2021 under the reference no HH 197-21, per NDOU AJ. That judgment dismissed some appeals by the applicant. The appeals had been noted against certain decisions by the respondent in respect of some objections by the applicant over the tax assessments on it for the period 2011 to 2016. [2] The dispute centred on the allowable deductibles over the rental income earned by the applicant from a certain immovable property that she had inherited from... More

The applicant is a company duly incorporated in terms of the laws of Zimbabwe. It carries on the business of electrical engineering. The first respondent was its employee. He was its Chief Executive Officer. He tendered his letter of resignation on 8 February 2010. The second respondent is the first respondent’s company duly registered in terms of the laws of Zimbabwe. It like the applicant carries on the business of electrical engineering. More

In this application the applicant, a new farmer and the proud holder of an offer letter dated 13 December 2008 in respect of subdivision A of Xekene Extensionin Seke District of Mashonaland East Province (the farm) seeks a declarator that he is lawfully authorised to be in occupation of the said farm, that the first respondent, who is a previous owner of the farm who is resisting eviction, should give him vacant possession or face eviction and all this on the pain of costs on the scale of legal practitioner and client. More

This is an appeal against the decision of the magistrate sitting in the Marondera magistrate court. More