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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
Rule 348 A of the High Court rues deals with stopping the sale of a dwelling house to facilitate the settlement of a claim. Applicant brought an application under r 348 A (5a) for the postponement or suspension of the sale of the dwelling concerned; or the eviction of its occupants. More

This is an urgent application in which the provisional order sought the placement of a caveat on property described as a certain 4357 square meters of land called stand 17005 Harare Township of Stand 16969 Harare Township situate in the District of Salisbury held under Deed f Transfer No 02319/95. More

This matter came before me on a certificate of urgency issued in terms of r244 of the High Court of Zimbabwe Rules, 1971. The applicant seeks the following relief;- “Terms of the Final Order sought 1. That the warrant of detention issued by the first respondent authorising the second respondent to detain applicant on 4 July 2012 be and is hereby cancelled. 2. The first respondent is ordered to determine the applicant’s request for extension of his Visa to stay in Zimbabwe within five days of this Order. 3. Should the application for extension of Visa be turned down, the... More

The appellant obtained a judgement for payment of $164 452.00 against one Nizamudein Shahadat. In pursuance of execution, the Messenger of Court attacheda half share in a property called Lot 5 of stands 225-236 of Park Town Extension of Subdivision A of Waterfalls which is co-owned by the respondent and one Neejam Shahadat. The respondent brought up a claim claiming that the immovable property was jointly owned by herself and the said Neejam Shahadat who were not the judgement debtors therefore, the property was not liable for execution, resulting in these interpleader proceedings. More

The appellant was convicted of contravening s 157 (1) (a) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23]. He was sentenced to pay a fine of US$400 in default of payment to undergo four months’ imprisonment. The court further ordered that the appellant be held by prison authorities and be handed over to the Immigration Department for immediate deportation soon after payment of the fine or serving the term of imprisonment. More