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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This case has brought to the fore the question “what constitutes a valid court order” in situations where a court order incorporates a deed of settlement. In casu the applicant seeks the setting aside of a consent order granted by this court on the 15th March 2017 following a deed of settlement entered into by the parties on the 6th March 2017. More

This is an opposed summary judgment application. The law on the relief of summary judgment is settled. In sum, it is to enable a plaintiff with a clear case to obtain quick judgment against a defendant who has no real defence against the claim. The plaintiff’s claim must be unanswerable both on the facts and the law. To successfully repel such an application, the defendant must establish that he has a good prima facie defence. Defendant must show that there is a mere possibility of his success at the trial, that he has a plausible case or that there is... More

In this application the applicant seeks the following relief: “1. The respondents be and are hereby held to be in contempt of this Honourable Court Order granted on 19 May 2009. 2. The respondents be and are hereby incarcerated for a period of ninety (90) days each. 3. Costs of this application shall be paid by the respondents”. More

On the 29th November 2017 I granted the applicants’ application and my reasons thereof were as follows: This is a ruling in an application for review in terms of section 27 (1) (c ) of the High Court Act, [Chapter7:06] More

The plaintiffs are the registered owners of an immovable property known as 7 Dougal Road, The Grange, Harare. In or about July 2004 the plaintiffs entered into a written agreement with the defendant, in terms of the property mentioned above was leased to the defendant for an initial period of six months, which was subsequently renewed on various occasions, the last such renewal have been agreed to in January 2009. At all material times, the plaintiffs were represented by their nominated agents, Gabriel Real Estate in setting the rentals and other conditions governing the lease. More