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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The plaintiff issued summons claiming: “(a)Judgment in the sum of $479 215.27(four hundred and seventy nine thousand, two hundred and fifteen United States dollars and twenty seven cents) as against the 2nd and 3rd defendants, jointly and severally each paying the other, being amounts paid by the plaintiff for onward transmission to the 1st defendant which amount, the defendants unlawfully converted to their own use; More

Tavengwa Madangure [“Madangure”] and Emmanuel Enock Masuku [“Musuku”] floated and formed Procadale Investments (Pvt) Ltd [“the company”]. It was incorporated on 7 April, 2004. More

It is within the nature of the contract of purchase and sale for the seller who has received full payment of the purchase price from the purchaser to deliver to the latter the subject-matter of the contract which is commonly referred to as the merx. This is a fortiori the case where the purchaser has, in addition to payment of the purchase price, paid to the seller’s nominated conveyancers the requisite fees for the transfer to him of the immovable property which he purchased. More

This is an application for a mandament van spolie, alternatively, for an order of contempt of court. The first and third respondents filed a counter-application in addition to their opposing papers. The matter was instituted as an urgent chamber application in July 2022. At the hearing of the urgent chamber application on 19 July 2022, an order by consent was granted in terms of which this application was ordered to be consolidated and set down for argument together with Case No. HC 3750/20 which is an application for review in terms of which the applicants herein were seeking the setting... More

This matter came as a court application for an interdict and declaratory order. The initial court found that there was a material dispute of facts and the matter was referred to trial so that viva voce evidence can be led. More