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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
CHIGUMBA J: Plaintiff issued summons against the defendants, on 24 March 2011, claiming: 1. An order declaring that Plaintiff is the lawful owner of stand 449 Borrowdale Brooke Township of stand 137 Borrowdale Brooke township (hereinafter referred to as the property in question). 2. An order setting aside the caveat placed on Deed of transfer number 4012/2010 at the instance of the second defendant. 3. An order compelling the first defendant to take all necessary steps required in order to effect transfer to the Plaintiff of the property situate in the district of Salisbury called stand 449 Borrowdale Brooke township... More

The dispute in this application arises from the disputed ownership, control and management of the first respondent company. The first respondent is a duly incorporated and registered company in accordance with the laws of Zimbabwe. The company carries on the business of inter alia manufacturing, importation and exportation of explosives. Its principal place of business is stand 16306 Alaska Mine,Road, Chirorodziva Heights, Stratchoma Township Chinhoyi. The first applicant, second, third and fourth respondents are foreign nationals of Chinese origin. The second respondent is resident in China and is Director of the first respondent.The third and fourthrespondents as well as the... More

The applicant filed an application seeking an order for substituted service in terms of Order 6 Rule 46. The facts of the matter are as set out in the applicants founding affidavit and may be summarised as follows: More

[1] This matter was placed before me as an urgent chamber application. I have been requested to give reasons for the dismissal of the application. These are they. [2] The applicant sought relief relating to the freeing by the respondent of the sum of ZWL $34, 700,000(Thirty- Four Million Seven Hundred Thousand Dollars) that the former claimed was due to it and was being unlawfully held by the latter. More

On 29 June, 2017 the applicant and the respondent (“the parties”) concluded a lease agreement between them. Following the conclusion of the contract, the applicant leased to the first respondent its Furnaces 1, 3, 4 and their associated infrastructure. These are at its Ferrochrome production facility which is in Kwekwe. Consent to removal of Furnace 1 from the contract was agreed between the parties. The agreement was in terms of a letter which is dated 9 October, 2018. The lease provided that rentals were payable in United States dollars. They were/are calculated retrospectively by reference to the amount of minerals... More