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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The applicant, Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission, is a statutory body. It owes its existence to the Constitution of Zimbabwe. Its aim and object are to fight and, as its name suggests, eradicate corruption from within the lengths and breadths of the country. It deals with such other offences as theft, misappropriation of funds, abuse of power and other improper conduct in both the public and private sectors of Zimbabwe. It investigates and exposes cases of corruption and all crimes which are related to it. More

The applicant is a universitas, being a church of Christian denomination. It is established in terms of the laws of Zimbabwe. On 8 July 2021, the applicant filed an urgent chamber application seeking relief primarily against the first and second respondents. The relief sought is set out in the draft provisional order accompanying the application and it reads as follows: More

The 1st applicant in this matter is the Zimbabwe Banking and Allied Workers Union (ZIBAWU). The union was originally registered in February 1991 to cover banking institutions and in April 1992 its scope of coverage was varied to cover financial institutions. More

This is a provisional sentence matter. On 9 November 2004, the plaintiff issued provisional sentence summons against the defendant, claiming provisional sentence in an amount of $720 428 163.97 (Seven Hundred and Twenty Million Four Hundred and Twenty- Eight Thousand One Hundred and Sixty Three Dollars and Ninety Seven Cents), together with interest thereon at the prescribed rate from 5 April 2004, being the date of demand to date of payment in full. More

This is a chamber application for a prohibitory interdict brought on a certificate of urgency. The applicant is a duly constituted Association whose existence and governance is in terms of its constitution. It is a voluntary association of some players in the sugar industry. More