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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
: This is an application for rescission of a default judgment issued against the applicant under HC 1648/21. The application was made in terms of r 63 of the old High Court Rules 1971 on the basis that there is good and sufficient cause to do so. More

MUREMBA J: The applicant is Zimbabwe Chemicals, Plastiscs and Allied Workers Union (ZCPAWU), a trade union registered in terms of the Labour Act [Chapter 28:01]. In terms of s 3 of its Constitution it is an independent body capable of suing and being sued on its own. It has the capacity to sue on behalf of its members. Members of the applicant are employees of the respondents. The first respondent is Chemplex Corporation Limited and it is the holding company of G & W Industrial Minerals (PVT) LTD; Dorowa Minerals Limited; Zimbabwe Phosphate Industries Limited; and Chemplex Animal & Public... More

The Respondent was, until his resignation on 29 February 2012, employed by the Applicant as its Acting Director. As an employee of the Applicant he was entitled to use of the employer’s vehicle, an Isuzu Extended Cab Registration number ABK 7760. More

The applicant is the registered conglomeration of trade unions and is engaged in the furtherance of its members’ interests. The first respondent is the regulating authority for Harare Central in terms of the Public Order and Security Act [Cap 11:17] (the Act) while the second and third respondents are the Commissioner General of Police and the Co-ministers of Home Affairs under whose authority the first respondent falls. More

“1.That it be hereby declared that the sudden conduct and/or practice by employers in Zimbabwe (with the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th respondents as examples), purportedly as a response to the Covid-19 pandemic, whereby they prohibit unvaccinated employees from reporting for work and from continuing to perform their obligations under subsisting contracts of employment is/are an infringement of the fundamental right to human dignity of the affected employees protected by section 51 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, 2013. 2. That it be hereby declared that the sudden conduct and/or practice by employers in Zimbabwe (with the 3rd, 4th,... More