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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
Despite the bulky paper work involved in this case coupled with the detailedand well thought submissions made by the two counsels I prefer to follow a simplified version of this case and put it in the following terms: Following a series of meetings which were chaired by the first respondent as president of ZCTU and which commenced in 2010 and which meetings included basically all the parties now soaked in this litigation the parties unanimously agreed that the organization would hold its General Conference between 19 and 20 August 2011. More

The dispute between the parties is a simple debt for the payment of money, but is complicated by the involvement of diamonds to part settle the amount due. Before delving into the factual matrix of the case, I wish to start by housekeeping issues. On 17 January 2020, the applicant herein filed a court application under HC 403/20 seeking a declaratory relief that applicant fully paid, extinguished, amortized and discharged the first respondent’s judgment debt, execution costs and legal costs secured under a writ of execution dated 4 October 2017. More

The applicant in three separate applications petitioned this court for an order against the respondents in the following terms. WHEREUPON, after reading the documents filed of record More

On the 21st of September 2022, I granted an extempore judgment dismissing applicant’s claim on the basis of one of the points limine that had been raised. On the 14th of December ,2022 whilst on official vacation, the applicant’s legal practitioner wrote to the Registrar of this court requesting for the written judgment. This is the judgment. The common cause facts are that, Applicant is a registered Residence Association that represents owners of a block of flats called Zimbabwe Court, situate at stand 408 Avondale West of subdivision A of lot 22 of Block d of Avondale, Salisbury also known... More

Zimbabwe Cover Legal Aid Trust, a body corporate duly registered as such in terms of the laws of Zimbabwe issued summons against the defendant (excipient) one Claudious Taunzwasure Chirochangu claiming a payment of the sum of US$ 41 580.00, payment of interest on the capital sum at the rate of 20% per month calculated from the 24th November 2014 to date of full payment. In the alternative, and in the event of the defendant failing to pay the capital sum and interest within time to be fixed by this Honourable Court, an order declaring the sale of the property being... More