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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
On 11 October 2012 the first respondent obtained a court order in HC 5475/09 against the applicant to the following effect. “It is ordered that: 1. The award in the arbitration matter of Mr. Muzamhindo and Zimbabwe Cricket Union held before the Honourable J.T. Mawire dated 17 July 2009 be and is hereby registered as an order of the High Court of Zimbabwe in the following terms:- 1.1 Respondent shall pay to the applicant the sum of US$103 208.38 as arrear commission. 1.2 Respondent shall bear costs of this application.” More

The applicants have jointly approached this court for an order in the following terms: 1. That the confirmation of the liquidation and distribution account by the third respondent in respect of Shagelok Chemicals (Private) Limited (in liquidation) be and is hereby set aside. 2. That the third respondent be and is hereby directed to re-open the account referred to above for inspection for a period of 14 days with effect from the date of judgment in this matter. More

At the hearing of this matter the plaintiff bank was in default. Mr Biti, for the defendant, sought and was granted leave to argue the matter on the merits. Judgment on the merits of the case was granted in favour of the defendant with costs. I indicated that my reasons for judgment would follow. More

The plaintiff, the Zimbabwe Development Bank, hereinafter referred to as the bank, issued summons out of this court on 17 December 2004 seeking, against the three defendants jointly and severally, the one paying the others to be absolved, payment of $587 612 879.86 and interest thereon capitalized monthly at 1% per day calculated from the date of issue of summons to the date of full payment and costs of suit on a legal practitioner scale and collection commission as provided for under the Law Society of Zimbabwe By-laws 1982. On 6 January 2005, the defendants entered appearance in which they... More

On the 27th of January 2003, the plaintiff filed summons claiming payment in the sum of US$ 715,185.66, together with interest and costs on the higher scale. The defences proffered by the defendants are that the plaintiff is not entitled to judgement in United States dollars (US$) and that, in any event, they have already tendered payment in the Zimbabwe dollar ((ZW$) equivalent. More