On 31 December, 2021 one Joshua John Chirambwe (“chirambwe”), the first respondent herein, sued the Law Society of Zimbabwe which is the third respondent in casu, among other two respondents, seeking a declaratur and consequential relief. He filed his suit under HC 7421/21 (“the main matter”). He is a legal practitioner by profession and he is therefore a member of the third respondent herein. More
This is an application for summary judgment, in which the applicant seeks the following relief, as per its summons and declaration:
“a. An order confirming the termination of the lease agreement between the plaintiff and the defendant.
b. Eviction of the defendant and all those claiming occupation through it from Stand 1435 A Salisbury Township, Harare, owned by the plaintiffas successor in title to the Kay Trust, commonly known as 12 Park Street, Harare.
c. Holding over damages at the rate of the equivalent of USD 133.33(One Hundred and Thirty – three United States Dollars and Thirty – Three cents... More
The application before this court is for an order of ejectment of the respondent from the property known as 46 Van Praagh Avenue, Milton Park, Harare. The application is based on an alleged breach by the respondent of a lease agreement in terms of which it is a lessee of stand 4343 Salisbury Township of Salisbury Township Lands, also known as 4b Van Praagh Avenue, Milton Park. The said property is owned by the applicant. More
I have difficulties in appreciating the urgency in this matter which would justify it being given preferential treatment over other matters awaiting determination by this court.
There is evidence that the second applicant adopted a casual approach in trying to have his stay in this country regularised. It is clear that from the moment he was told his file had been misplaced he did not pursue the matter further until his arrest. He continued to stay in this country until he was arrested. A prudent immigrant would have continued to pursue the matter with the immigration office for regularization of... More
Regrettably, due to circumstances beyond anyone’s control, this application has a checkered history. The applicants initially filed their application sometime in 2017, presumably in anticipation to be eligible to vote in the country’s harmonized elections in 2018. It was subsequently set down and argued before Honourable PHIRI J on 18 July 2018. He reserved his judgment. Unfortunately his LORDSHIP became unwell and passed on before he could deliver the judgment. Needless to say, the proceedings became abortive resulting in them commencing afresh before me. More