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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is an application for an order dismissing the application in Case No. HC 11735/15 for want of prosecution. More

This is a delictual claim for damages arising from a collision between a bus belonging to the plaintiff and a tractor and trailer owned by the defendant. More

This is an application for leave to execute the judgment of this Honourable Court in case number HC 5501/06 delivered under HH 238/17 dated the 12th of April 2017 pending the determination of two appeals filed by the respondents separately in case number SC 289/17 on 5 May and 9 May 2017 respectively. More

The plaintiff, Zimbabwe United Passenger Company, better known as ZUPCO issued summons in 2006 for the eviction of the defendants or any persons occupying the premises through them, to vacate premises known as No. 9 Hood Rd, Southerton, Harare. ZUPCO also sued for costs jointly and severally on a higher scale. More

The applicant brought a claim in terms of the Trademarks Act [Chapter 26:04], the Act , to interdict and restrain therespondent from infringing rights flowing from its trademark,passing off its services and an order for removal of infringing marks and related getups or any confusingly or deceptive similar trademarks from all matter in its possession or control. More